'Historic, unprecedented' flooding swamps southern USA; Mississippi and Tennessee hardest hit

'Historic, unprecedented' flooding swamps southern USA; Mississippi and Tennessee hardest hitWeeks of heavy rain have inundated a large portion of the southern USA, bringing near-record flooding to Mississippi and Tennessee

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Gunmen kill 24 and injure 18 in attack on Burkina Faso church

Mon Feb 17 , 2020
Gunmen killed 24 people, including a pastor, in an attack on a church during Sunday Mass in northwestern Burkina Faso, four security sources told Reuters on Monday. Posts from the same category: Gamma lashes Mexico with damaging winds, flooding rain South Asia floods displace millions, kill 550 US murderer executed after choosing electric chair At least 67 killed by avalanches in Pakistan, India: government officials Airbnb cracks down on New Jersey 'party houses' as COVID-19 spreads among young people Also, do not miss the following articles:How Do You Read Topographical Maps?Keeping your car safe from hail!Increase Car Space with Little […]