Immigration officer blows whistle on 'morally objectionable' Trump asylum policy

Immigration officer blows whistle on 'morally objectionable' Trump asylum policyA new anonymous whistleblower has accused the Trump administration of requiring U.S. asylum officers to enforce an illegal and immoral policy “clearly designed to further this administration's racist agenda of keeping Hispanic and Latino populations from entering the United States.”

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Sorry, Hillary: Democrats don't need a savior

Wed Nov 13 , 2019
With the Iowa caucuses fast approaching, Hillary Clinton is just the latest in the colorful cast of characters who seem to have surveyed the sprawling Democratic field, sensed something lacking and decided that “something” might be them. Posts from the same category: Biden hopes to escape the shadow of Obama's immigration policies Trump Jr. tweets name of alleged whistleblower 'A flat-out lie': Breonna Taylor attorneys seek new prosecutor after jurors speak out New ICE Program Exposes Hundreds of Fraudulent ‘Family Units’ Trying to Cross The Border The debate over unmasking the whistleblower Also, do not miss the following articles:Oxalic Acid […]