Republicans can find common ground on guns, Kellyanne Conway says

Republicans can find common ground on guns, Kellyanne Conway saysPresident Donald Trump is "actively talking to Republicans and Democrats" on background checks, Conway said.

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Family sues Glenview nursing home over video of aides taunting woman, 91, with dementia; aides charged and fired

Sun Aug 11 , 2019
Two nursing home aides in Glenview, Illinois have been fired and charged after a Snapchat video showed them taunting a 91-year-old woman with dementia. Posts from the same category: GOP wipeout feared as impeachment fever spills over into House and Senate races Impeachment witnesses tested Republican defenses of Trump one by one Not much for Trump to be thankful for in latest impeachment news Donald Trump is suddenly scared of Mike Bloomberg — as he should be Trump's refusal to commit to peaceful transfer of power provokes outrage, rebukes on Capitol Hill Also, do not miss the following articles:Common Problems […]