Sanders gets hit early and often at Democratic presidential debate

Sanders gets hit early and often at Democratic presidential debateAt the start of Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina, frontrunner Bernie Sanders came under fire from his rivals.

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Bloomberg unveils TV ad slamming Trump for coronavirus response

Wed Feb 26 , 2020
The new 30-second ad highlights Bloomberg's managerial experience as mayor of New York City. Posts from the same category: Debate shows Bernie Sanders could win most votes but be denied nomination Sanders lays out his 'radical dream' to solve climate change 'Cheap shot': Sanders fires back when Bloomberg goes after 'socialism' Sanders campaign boss concedes he may not win New Hampshire Biden Tops Iowa Poll by Democratic Rural Group: Campaign Update Also, do not miss the following articles:Experience the Unique Tradition of Bianchi BikesEarly Warning Signs of BurnoutMost Popular K-pop Songs!Toners for Printer Quick Buying GuideDriving bumps? No problem: he'll […]