Sauna and oysters: Merkel recalls Berlin Wall fall

Sauna and oysters: Merkel recalls Berlin Wall fallLike every Thursday night back then, Angela Merkel was relaxing in an East Berlin sauna on the night of November 9, 1989 as the Berlin Wall fell, dreaming of tasting oysters in the West. The future chancellor of Germany was indulging in a favourite German winter pastime on the night that led to German reunification. “Every Thursday, I would go to the sauna with a friend,” Merkel, in power since 2005, recounted to Berlin schoolchildren a few years ago.

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India's capital restricts cars as people choke in dirty air

Mon Nov 4 , 2019
Authorities restricted many private vehicles from taking to the roads of India's capital on Monday amid a public health crisis that has left New Delhi residents gasping and their eyes burning from toxic air pollution. The "odd-even" scheme will restrict private vehicles with odd-number license plates to driving on odd dates while even-numbered plates are allowed on even-numbered dates. The state-run Central Pollution Control Board's air quality index for New Delhi was "severe" at 436, about nine times the recommended maximum. Posts from the same category: Germany to make anti-Semitism a specific hate crime as Jews 'no longer feel safe' […]