Some travelers still take trips abroad during COVID-19 pandemic: 'I feel safer exiting America'

Some travelers still take trips abroad during COVID-19 pandemic: 'I feel safer exiting America'COVID-19 has grounded a lot of activities, mostly international travel. Three people are taking the risk because they feel safer abroad.

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People in the US have been receiving packages of jewelry that actually contain mysterious seeds from China, report says

Sun Jul 26 , 2020
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has asked recipients not to plant the seeds that might be an "invasive plant species." Posts from the same category: Iran says Ukrainian plane was on fire, tried to turn back Airlines saw a spike in passenger volume for the July 4th holiday weekend, but the numbers are still dismal for the industry CDC study on COVID-19 in kids bolsters case for elementary school reopening Two new studies indicate COVID-19 can spread on long airline flights, promote distancing Healthcare workers, high-risk people will get priority for COVID-19 vaccine in New York: governor […]