Taliban want US deal, but some in bigger hurry than others

Taliban want US deal, but some in bigger hurry than othersAfghanistan’s Taliban leaders agreed they wanted a deal with the United States, but some were in more of a hurry than others. Taliban negotiators were at odds with their Council of Leaders, or shura, about whether to travel to Camp David even before President Donald Trump abruptly canceled the high-stakes meeting planned for last weekend . According to Taliban officials familiar with the discussions, the shura opposed the trip to Camp David and chastised the negotiators who were eager to attend.

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How to Take Advantage of Your FM Transmitter for Car

Thu Sep 12 , 2019
There are also transmitters that let you choose from different preset frequencies while others don’t let you change broadcast frequency. This can be a big problem in the long run.  Input options that come with the device is another thing you should check. Many transmitters have a standard audio jack that could be connected directly to the headphone output or line of an MP3 player. Posts from the same category: Trump calls off Afghanistan peace talks after claiming he was due to meet Taliban at Camp David Afghans cautiously welcome halt to secret US-Taliban summit Taliban visits Moscow days after […]
FM transmitter