Boris Johnson’s Belfast Brexit Message Leaves Dublin and EU Cold(Bloomberg) — Boris Johnson went a long way toward cementing his working majority in the U.K. Parliament with a visit to Northern Ireland on Wednesday, but did little to break the Brexit impasse with Dublin and Brussels.The new prime minister met with the region’s main political parties in Belfast on the latest leg of a nationwide tour after taking office last week. He reiterated his plan to leave the European Union on Oct. 31 with or without a deal, while promising not to add infrastructure at the Irish border — the U.K.’s land frontier with the bloc — in any …

Brazil inmates 'suffocated' during transfer after jail riotFour inmates involved in one of Brazil’s deadliest prison riots suffocated while being transferred to another jail, officials said Wednesday, taking to 62 the number killed over two days. The men were among 46 prisoners removed from the Altamira Regional Recovery Center in the northern state of Para on Tuesday, a day after clashes between rival drug factions left 58 dead, according to the latest death toll. On Tuesday, 30 prisoners were handcuffed and put in four cells on a bus that was to take them to jails in the capital Belem, the state secretary for public security and social …

Dubai ruler's wife seeks UK forced marriage protection order for childrenThe estranged wife of the ruler of Dubai has applied for a UK forced marriage protection order relating to their children, a London court heard Tuesday. Princess Haya, 45, a wife of 70-year-old United Arab Emirates Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, has applied for the order, as well as for wardship of their children, and a non-molestation order relating to herself, the High Court heard.