Pitfalls to Avoid When Designing Your Kitchen

Obstructions in the Kitchen Triangle

Design experts refer to the refrigerator, stove, and sink as the kitchen triangle. This is the place that gets the highest number of activities. This is why designing the triangle requires unobstructed access and careful planning. Out of these three parts, the sink often sees the most action although your triangle must have an easy and convenient access to your refrigerator, stove, and countertop workstations. 

Your sink must obviously be close to the plumbing. There are times when due to the pipe placement, kitchens have been designed with sinks placed in a not so good location. If it is the case in your house, you might want to hire a plumber who can relocate your plumbing to make room for the best placement of your sink. 

Omitting the Backsplash 

When designing or budgeting for new or remodeled kitchens, the backsplash is often the least of priorities. Or worse, it is completely left out of the entire place. While it is true that you can save some cash for now, in the long run, this will cost you lots of effort and time.   

Kitchen backsplash
When designing or budgeting for new or remodeled kitchens, the backsplash is often the least of priorities.

Consider all the grease,  steam,  and water in this part of your home and you will easily understand why having a backsplash installed above the counters or cooktop is one of the smartest ways of keeping kitchens clean and tidy. Cleaning grease off backsplash made of plastic, metal, or tile is easier than cleaning wallpaper or paint. So that means it’s of real importance what kind of materials you choose for your Dom24 furniture.

Picking the Wrong Island 

As far as islands are concerned, people usually think of extra storage, serving, and preparation space. However, you might be surprised to know that islands can end wasting lots of space.

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Thu Jun 17 , 2021
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