School workers who used Sharpie to color in black teen’s hair in Texas are being sued

School workers who used Sharpie to color in black teen’s hair in Texas are being suedA federal civil rights lawsuit was filed on Sunday against a Texas school district and three officials after they took disciplinary action for a student’s haircut, court documents say.

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Planned Parenthood Refuses Title X Funding in Response to Trump Administration Restrictions

Mon Aug 19 , 2019
Planned Parenthood will refuse all Title X funding rather than comply with the Trump administration's restrictions governing the discussion of abortion at clinics that participate in the program, the group announced Monday.Planned Parenthood decided to abandon Title X, which accounts for roughly 15 percent of its overall federal funding each year, in response to a Trump administration rule barring clinics that participate in the program from referring women to abortion providers.“When you have an unethical rule that will limit what providers can tell our patients, it becomes really important that we not agree to be in the program. But to […]