Intelligence community unveils plans for disclosing foreign electoral interference; promises no 'partisan politics'

Intelligence community unveils plans for disclosing foreign electoral interference; promises no 'partisan politics'New guidelines are designed to enable the prompt disclosure of information about threats.

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U.S. seen as 'exporter of white supremacist ideology,' says counterterrorism official

Fri Nov 8 , 2019
After an upsurge in racially motivated attacks around the world, other countries are beginning to regard the United States as an exporter of white supremacism, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official said Friday.  Posts from the same category: China pushes higher 'moral quality' for its citizens Lindsey Graham Hints There is ‘More Damning’ Information about the Russia Investigation to be Released With information from China scarce, U.S. spies enlisted to track coronavirus Beijing asks some U.S. media to submit information about their China operations Israeli F-35s Could Soon Be Taking On Iran's Cruise Missiles Also, do not miss the following articles:Bee […]