3-year-old Chinese boy falls from six stories, gets saved by blanket-wielding crowd below

3-year-old Chinese boy falls from six stories, gets saved by blanket-wielding crowd belowA three-year-old boy who fell from the sixth floor of a building on Monday wassaved after a crowd of bystanders used a blanket to catch him, China's CCTVreported

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Navy revokes awards given to prosecutors in Navy SEAL court-martial

Wed Jul 31 , 2019
U.S. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer on Wednesday revoked awards given to several military prosecutors in the court-martial of a Navy SEAL who was acquitted of murdering an Iraqi prisoner but convicted of unlawfully posing for photos with his dead body. The move coincided with tweets from President Donald Trump repeating his support for Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher and directing Spencer to rescind awards that were “ridiculously given” to prosecutors who, according to Trump, “lost the case” against Gallagher. It marked the third time the president has publicly commented directly on the court-martial of the combat veteran, who was accused […]