Chicago police say attacks on officers at protest appeared organized as more than 20 complaints filed against cops

Chicago police say attacks on officers at protest appeared organized as more than 20 complaints filed against copsCHICAGO – Chicago police released a video showing what they say are a group of protesters wielding black umbrellas and shields pelting officers with projectiles. Chicago police Superintendent David Brown said Monday that officers will wear full protective gear when assigned to future protests after "agitators" hijacked a protest Friday at the Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park, injuring …

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Report: Joe Biden may end up giving the only major Democratic convention speech from Milwaukee

Tue Jul 21 , 2020
Joe Biden may be the only one at next month's convention who ends up giving a major speech from the host city of Milwaukee, the Daily Beast reported Monday. Posts from the same category: FBI Reports Chicago Gangs Have Formed Pact to Shoot Cops ‘On Sight’ 2 Oklahoma police officers shot, suspect taken into custody NYPD chief, protesters roughed up in Brooklyn Bridge clash Congresswoman Maxine Waters jumps out of her car to intervene as black man stopped by police In wake of Englewood shooting, Chicago mayor says all police officers dealing with public need body cameras Also, do not miss […]