Choosing a LED Reflector

It is a good time to be alive and living in this Modern World of today as we have been blessed with LED technology and it has reached Home and Office lightning in the form of the All-Powerful LED Reflector.

But, before we get into specifics, let’s talk a little about the LED Technology in those Reflectors.

Led Optics

The Optics are used to help re-direct the light being emitted from the LED. They are a key component of the LED Reflector.

LED Reflectors


LED lenses come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, round, square or the more effective Hexagonal. They are commonly made of plastic or silicone, and for that reason, you’ll find ones that are flexible and others that are hard. These lenses are designed to work with multiple LEDs or just one. They are also another key component of the LED Reflector.

Led Reflector

Now we arrive at the subject at hand, LED Reflectors, they basic and common used is to enhance the lighting area.

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