Police search for missing Texas mother and her newborn girl

Police search for missing Texas mother and her newborn girlPolice in Austin are searching for Heide Broussard and her 2-week-old child, Margot Carey

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Double-murderer deported to Germany after decades in US jail

Tue Dec 17 , 2019
A German man who has served 33 years in a US prison for a double murder arrived back in Germany on Tuesday, after receiving parole. Officials in the state of Virginia allowed 53-year-old Jens Soering, the son of a diplomat, to be released on parole. “I’m so happy to be in Germany after 33 years in prison in the US,” he told journalists in a short statement at Frankfurt Airport. Posts from the same category: Wisconsin fugitive survives for 3 years in makeshift bunker Haunted house shooter thought someone had cut in line, Michigan police say An Austin police officer […]