Pelosi and McConnell, masters of the congressional chessboard, face off over impeachment

Pelosi and McConnell, masters of the congressional chessboard, face off over impeachmentThe fate of the Trump impeachment — in fact, the fate of the entire Trump presidency — now rests on the outcome of a battle between the two ablest political generals in recent American history: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

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The Texas ex-police officer who fatally shot Atatiana Jefferson in her own home has been indicted on a murder charge

Fri Dec 20 , 2019
Atatiana Jefferson had been playing video games with her nephew on October 12 when the officer, Aaron Dean, shot her through her bedroom window. Posts from the same category: Pelosi says she will send impeachment articles once McConnell discloses Senate rules Pelosi calls CNN's Blitzer an 'apologist' for the GOP in heated exchange over stimulus bill At State of the Union, Trump declines to shake hands with Pelosi Pelosi calls the speech by Trump she tore up a 'manifesto of mistruths' Pelosi takes heat over visit to California hair salon Also, do not miss the following articles:Get an Example of […]