Schiff takes charge of impeachment, issues stern warnings to Trump and Pompeo

Schiff takes charge of impeachment, issues stern warnings to Trump and PompeoHouse Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff charged President Trump with “incitement of violence” in his combative response to the whistleblower complaint.

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Satellite images show activity around Iranian-flagged tanker

Thu Oct 3 , 2019
Satellite images released on Thursday show that a once-detained Iranian-flagged oil tanker sitting off the coast of Syria has been approached by a smaller Iranian tanker, an indication the ship could be preparing to transfer its cargo. Images released by Maxar Technologies show the Jasmine alongside the Adrian Darya 1 on Wednesday, with mooring lines between them and a crane deployed on the larger vessel. The Adrian Darya 1, formerly named the Grace 1, was detained off the British overseas territory of Gibraltar in July while carrying $130 million in crude oil, on suspicion of breaking European Union sanctions by […]